I am really bad, bad and bad in English… I have already tried my best to improve my English by speaking with my friends and even think or dream in English!!!Yet i didn’t have any improvement…
The side-effect of using ineffective ways to improve English:
I found that I can’t convey my message in Chinese very well, even can’t speak Chinese fluently...I’ve forgotten a lot of specific term and descriptive words to express my feeling in Chinese… As a Chinese debater in UMS, I feel shame enough…
Now I am thinking of giving up my plan in improving English…I feel disappointed to myself…Y others can while I can’t?????What’s wrong with me???
Night always makes us recall or think about something…I really worry for the souls of my friends and relatives as the day is coming…More and more natural disasters have happened surround us recently…Really want to spread gospel to everyone in campus…But I worry that I will scare other due to my hasty...
I m not showing a good testimony... My friends and seniors have always seen stress and nervous through my expression...As a Christian, I should able to put my worries before God…Really fall the glory of God and really lost the image of a Christian… Always asking others to join church and evangelize to them yet I didn’t have a good testimony in front of them… How can I serve the Lord???
I m a pessimistic as seldom I give thanks but keep expressing my bad mood…Always emphasize those bad things happened in my daily life and ignore those good things in my life…
Lord, am I able to be your good servant? I know that willingness is crucial to get myself involve in your ministry… Lord, please examine my heart…You know that I am willing to serve you, somehow I, myself yielding to temptation, my evil behavior resulting of evil thought and sometimes even indulge myself in habitual sins...
李榮浩 不將就
那時候 我以為愛的是生活 也算懂得 什麼適合 什麼不可 最近還是一樣 努力著 配合你的性格 你的追求者 你的坎坷 我開的車 算一算 虛度了多少個年頭
彷彿足夠 寫一套錯愛的春秋 如果以後 你還想為誰 浪費美好時候 眼淚只能在我的胸膛 毫無保留 互相折磨到白頭 悲傷堅決不放手 開始糾纏之後
才又被人放大了自由 ...
8 years ago
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